Take your Pick -- Lifelong Learning Adventures for Curious Hearts

Take your Pick -- Lifelong Learning Adventures for Curious Hearts
" It is almost impossible to go through a whole day without learning something .. " so go ahead, take your pick and start your journey .. Lifelong Learning Adventures inspired by Charlotte Mason Homeschooling with a Living Books Curriculum

Monday, February 4, 2013

SOTW Chapter 7 - Hammurabi and the Babylonians - Extra Resources

SOTW Chapter 7 - Hammurabi and the Babylonians - Extra Resources
for our Life Learning with Living Books Curriculum - inspired by Charlotte Mason Homeschooling

Hammurabi (ca. 1792 - 1750 BC)


pictures of Hammurabi Stele - Code of Hammurabi Law
with thanks to Wikipedia

File:Code of Hammurabi.jpg

pictures of Hammurabi Stele - Code of Hammurabi Law
with thanks to Wikipedia

File:Prologue Hammurabi Code Louvre AO10237.jpg

pictures of Hammurabi Stele - Code of Hammurabi Law
with thanks to Wikipedia

  • Turning Points in History - Hammurabi's Code of Laws - VIDEO

with thanks to All Histories

acc to the Louvre in Paris 
" The Law Code of Hammurabi is the emblem of the Mesopotamian civilization. This high basalt stele erected by the king of Babylon in the 18th century BC is a work of art, history and literature, and the most complete legal compendium of Antiquity, dating back to earlier than the Biblical laws. Carried there by a prince from the neighboring country of Elam in Iran in the 12th century BC, the monument was exhibited on the Susa acropolis among other prestigious Mesopotamian masterpieces. ..  The text is written in cuneiform script and the Akkadian language. It is divided into three parts:
- a historical prologue relating the investiture of King Hammurabi in his role as "protector of the weak and oppressed," and the formation of his empire and achievements;
- a lyrical epilogue summing up his legal work and preparing its perpetuation in the future; " 

  • Khan Academy - VIDEO about the REAL Hammurabi Stele found in the Louvre in Paris, France

  • The actual Hammurabi Stele featuring the Hammurabi Code of Laws is exhibited in the Louvre Museum in Paris. It was discovered by a French archaeological team at the acropolis of Susa. 

  • Hammurabi Strategy Game

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